March 9, 2025
gravel Phoenix

Gravel driveways are an inexpensive option for homeowners on a budget. They come with several advantages, including easy upkeep and installation, and good drainage. They also enable homeowners to customize them in various ways. To keep your gravel Phoenix in top shape, you need to maintain it.

In this article, you’ll learn about four ways to maintain a gravel driveway.

  1. Proper Grading

Grading your driveway properly can help you keep it in excellent shape. Grading can be done during a new installation or a makeover. A properly graded surface will serve its function well and save your landscape from damage. On the other hand, an uneven grading could cause water to pool in your yard. You don’t want this to happen because it may form a breeding ground for parasites, and destroy your landscape’s beauty. When grading, examine the side slopes and ensure that the gravel feathers out slightly to promote drainage.

  1. Fill In Potholes

Potholes occur naturally due to constant use or wear and tear of the materials beneath the gravel. Ruts and tree stamps could also contribute to the formation of holes in your gravel driveway. Potholes can worsen your driveway’s drainage, and cause you to have bumpy rides every time you pull up into your garage. Sealing these annoying holes early can save you from many problems down the road. It’s advisable to fix them immediatelyafter you identify them to prevent them from growing bigger.

Uproot the tree stamps on the driveway and add gravel layers in the holes they’ve formed. Ensure that you press the layers each time you add gravel to make them compact. Additionally, rake all the displaced gravel to keep the driveway leveled, and avoid using snowblowers during the winter.

  1. Install A Landscaping Fabric

Filling ruts and potholes may provide a temporary solution if there’s no fabric under the gravel. If you want to offer a lasting solution to this problem, it may be advisable to install a fabric under the gravel layers. Before doing that, purchase a landscaping fabric that perfectly fits your driveway’s dimensions.

A good fabric should have the right thickness to prevent weeds and grass from growing in between the stones. These fabrics are affordable and can be found in most supply stores. Once you have your fabric, remove the gravel layers, spread the fabric on the soil, and level the gravel on top of it. All these operations should be performed while compacting the layers to create a firm surface.

  1. Select The Best Materials

You may want to replace your current gravel for various reasons. Maybe you have painted your house’s exterior walls or upgraded your landscape. Gravel comes in various textures and colors. You can choose an option that matches your landscapes’ and walls’ colors. The layers should also be attractive.

Many professionals advise homeowners not to purchase round pebbles as they shift easily. This can make it hard to walk or drive on the surface. Instead, it’s advisable to use dense-grade stones that fit closely and promote drainage. This type of gravel will bond with the surface, making it easier to use your driveway.

The Bottom Line

Gravel driveway maintenance is a necessary task that you should perform often to keep your landscape looking attractive. You can perform routine maintenance tasks yourself, or use a reputable professional. Whichever option you choose, ensure the job is done perfectly.

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