Decorating your house , here is an activity that knows no crisis. Boom in telecommuting, second homes , airbnb housing, etc.: there are many societal reasons for focusing more and more on interior decoration . Some even go so far as to take the step of changing direction to make it their job. An attractive job that can also, rest assured, be a hobby, a passion, provided you follow a few basic rules…
Know the basics of interior design
Like any field, interior design has its rules. Rules that are easy to assimilate and follow if you are willing to analyze your interior properly and if you have a bit of imagination. Because learning to decorate your house is not a dogmatic science. If decoration has been so successful in recent years, it is also due to its tremendous opportunity to let everyone create a unique universe, specific to their values and personality. If the respect of colors, the balance of patterns and materials, the enhancement of volumes constitute the basic rules of a successful decoration ,
Rule n°1: respect the color rule in a room
Choosing colors for your interior is an essential step when you start decorating a house or an apartment . We tend to fantasize a lot about their use and their combination, and for good reason the colors immediately reveal a
The decor rule is that you can’t use more than three colors in a room. Three colors maximum is the guarantee of a respected harmony and consequently of an elegance that jumps to the eyes. In a bedroom for example, we can imagine white walls, accompanied by Klein blue bedding and curtains backed by beige rugs and sconces. The idea is not only not to mix too many colors but above all to mix the right colors within the same room. Nude shades are therefore more popular in more intimate rooms because they are easy to use. While if you have a certain weakness for a color with a strong personality like red or orange, you will concentrate on a beautiful piece of this color only without trying to decline it in the four corners of the room. Other rules concerning the colors to know before embarking on a renovation of the premises: each room has its palette of recommended colors.
Rule n°2: master the lighting to decorate your interior
This may seem surprising and yet lighting occupies an important place in the list of interior design rules . Just like the colors used, its presence or absence right away sets the tone of a place. Again, it’s all about balance. The lighting in a room should be pleasant without being aggressive. All in all, a real challenge.
designer floor lamp and blue daybed sofa in the living room
To succeed in lighting a room, you have to observe its parts. Windows, orientation, present colors are the elements that can harm natural light as on the contrary sublimate it. In any case, it will be necessary to bet on several light sources for the different hours of the day. Suspension will be almost inevitable. Wall lights recommended as an extra for small spaces. Finally, auxiliary lamps such as floor lamps , decorative table lamps or reading lights will be welcome to gain not only in point lighting but also in charm. The more small lamps, the more the cozy room feeling will be enhanced.
Rule n°3: respect and enhance the volumes of the premises
The expression “to have a compass in the eye” is the best of allies when you start thinking about the layout of a room. Because if decoration is a matter of taste, it is also ex-aequo a matter of observation. Before furnishing and decorating a room , it is necessary at all costs to observe it in the smallest details to understand 1/ its volume 2/ its faults 3/ its advantages to finally consider making the three coexist without any problem. How to erase the shortcomings and safeguard the advantages? With the help of good decorating ideas and the right furniture, you should be able to do this without any problem!
small gray bedroom
Priority should therefore be given to the measurements of the premises so as not to create too obvious an imbalance and corrupt the architecture of the room. No question of bringing a mini two-seater sofa into a large living room and vice versa or of bringing a large wardrobe into a small bedroom . The main thing is to stage furniture with a similar volume and create airy and cozy spaces at the same time. To reach the holy grail of a cleverly decorated room, determine your daily needs in advance: no more armchairs or sofas, do you need to combine a living room and a dining room in the same room, do you need rugs? to create spaces within the same room? A whole series of questions that will guide you towards a better understanding of the places and their evolution.
Rule n°4: choose the right floor and wall coverings
Just like the colors used and the furniture selected, floor and wall coverings play a big role in the atmosphere of a room. A parquet flooring will not have the same effect as a waxed concrete coating in a room. Like the furniture, the coverings define the style of the room . Some of them are easier to associate with warm styles like the bohemian or Scandinavian style. Others, on the contrary, will be more borrowing from an industrial or even design character, using materials such as aluminium sheets..
green bedroom wallpaper
Highly visual coverings like a flashy paint job or quirky wallpaper can really set the tone of a room. In the same way as a beautiful fireplace, an original door frame or an opening to the outside, these are major details that can be likely to embody the starting support for the new decor that you want to create. Because interior design is like a giant puzzle. We start with an idea, usually a material, and we will develop an environment around it by mixing different colors and materials. Elements that will create harmony in the heart of the room. This technique allows you to better visualize your future decoration, to better project yourself and to better create your universe.
Rule n° 5: do not overload the rooms
Over the years, it is normal to accumulate lots of small decorative pieces and beloved furniture, however when you start decorating your interior you have to take the time to select the pieces you like and leave them at online flea markets.and other sites for the resale of objects and pieces of furniture that are useless on a daily basis. In a nutshell: the rooms in the house should not be overloaded. By following this rule, you will gain on all counts: in space and therefore in fluidity in the circulation within the room but also in time thanks to the cleaning and the untimely sorting that you will avoid on a daily basis. Not overloading a room doesn’t mean making it tasteless or stripping it of its soul. Creating a bright room that breathes and therefore makes its inhabitants and visitors want to spend time there necessarily involves a meticulous and personal selection of the rooms that are entitled to be exhibited there.
Rule #6: Test before you start
One last tip before you start, to avoid the “decor faux pas”, choose your samples of fabrics, curtains, materials. Position them, next to each other, in front of you in the light of day and expose them in the evening to artificial light to be able to observe the atmosphere created and thus avoid unpleasant surprises.
And now you may not be a qualified decorator or interior decorator, but you know the baba of the trade now!